Find more gigs with AroundWire!

We help contractors find more jobs easily

We help contractors find more jobs easily desktop We help contractors find more jobs easily mobile

Las Vegas may turn into a klondike of opportunities for general contractors. From small gigs to full-time jobs, the prospects are there; you just need to know how to find them. Not to worry, as AroundWire offers an easy and free way to gain access to many gigs in no time!

Get General Contractor Jobs Now
We help contractors find more jobs easily desktop

The AroundWire Way

Our goal is to make finding jobs as straightforward as possible. At AroundWire, we believe that every contractor deserves a chance to shine in Las Vegas!

Contribute & Collaborate

Our community is what makes AroundWire so strong. That’s why we foster a collaborative community for everyone on our platform!

Stand Out from the Crowd

Show the world what you have! List ALL of your services for people to see—it’s completely free! Make yourself more visible to thousands of people looking to hire general contractors.

Grow Rapidly

At AroundWire, we love seeing contractors grow. Their success is what makes our platform so special in the first place.

Go Digital

The World Wide Web offers plenty of opportunities to all those looking to succeed in Vegas. Our mission is to make those opportunities accessible to all contractors.

Interact & Analyze

Gain valuable insights thanks to direct communication with the customers. Analyze your audience and their needs to excel!

Navigate Easily

Finding more part-time jobs and full-time contracts near you is easy. Our platform is tailored so that any contractor will feel at home while browsing it.

We Help You Succeed

Get General Contractor Jobs in 3 Steps

Getting access to a vast number of general contractor jobs has never been easier. Just follow these 3 simple steps to get started.

Sign Up

Signing up is free of charge, and AroundWire is ready to provide quality support throughout the process.

List Your

Pinpoint which skills you’d like to showcase, and list them all to easily stand out from the crowd.

Build a

A brief profile verification will make your profile much more reputable in the eyes of your wannabe customers.

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Expand with Us

Find Contractor Jobs ASAP

Expanding your business requires more general contractor jobs, and AroundWire ensures that you find hundreds of gigs near you. Our digital platform is user-friendly, and we’re always ready to greet and guide new users.

Stand Out from the Crowd

Showcase Your Skills

It’s important to be more visible online. General contractor jobs are there for the taking, and our objective is to take your business straight into the digital realm. We help you list your skills and customize your profile to get more jobs.

See Where You Stand

Accessible Metrics

Accessible Metrics

Analyze what your audience wants and appreciates to craft a rock-solid strategy for getting more general contractor jobs easily.

Real-Time Feedback

Real-Time Feedback

AroundWire facilitates direct communication between the customer and the contractor. That way, you’re always keeping your hand on the pulse.

Be Flexible

Be Flexible

Build your schedule the way you like! Work whenever you feel like it, and get as many gigs as you want at once!

    Join Now

    Connect with more clients and grow your professional network

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    FAQs for General Contractors

    Will I succeed as a general contractor with AroundWire? picture-plus

    The package is there for the taking! A vast customer base waiting for you to grab more general contractor jobs, lack of pesky fees for profile creation or service listing, top-notch payment and invoicing system, and a built-in booking system to streamline order processing – that’s more than enough to get you started!

    Do I set my own rates? picture-plus

    Yes, you are the master of your income. Set your rates in line with your experience, market demand, job’s complexity, etc. Take charge of your business in full!

    Is profile creation a free service? picture-plus

    It most certainly is! We don’t charge you for signing up or creating a profile. The only applicable fee is after the deal is 100% completed!

    How do I find more general contractor jobs? picture-plus

    First, you have to sign up. It’s easy and free of charge. Next, you should customize your profile to make it more appealing. We can help you with that. Filter contractor jobs near you and pick the ones you like most. Easy!

    Let’s Meet